Baudrillard and the Millennium
Chris Horrocks
Not Available
Foucault and Queer Theory
Tamsin Spargo
Nietzsche and Postmodernism
Dave Robinson
Derrida and the End of History
Stuart Sim
Hawking and the Mind of God
Peter Coles
Heidegger and the Nazis
Jeff Collins
Wittgenstein and Psychoanalysis
John Heaton
Freud and False Memory Syndrome
Phil Mollon
Thomas Kuhn and the Science Wars
Ziauddin Sardar
Einstein and the Birth of Big Science
Donna Haraway and GM Foods
George Myerson
Lacan and Postfeminism
Elizabeth Wright
Marshall McLuhan and Virtuality
Darwin and Fundamentalism
Merryl Wyn Davies
Postmodernism and Holocaust Denial
Robert Eaglestone
Lyotard and the Inhuman
Heidegger, Habermas and the Mobile Phone
Chomsky and Globalisation
Jeremy Fox
Dawkins and the Selfish Gene
Ed Sexton
Edward Said and the Writing of History
Shelley Walia
Ecology and the End of Postmodernism
Barthes and the Empire of Signs
Peter Pericles Trifonas
Umberto Eco and Football
Plato and the Internet
Kieron OHara